Find Your Friendly Local Game Store
Our Retail Locator page received it's much needed update today. Now the page sports Danish and Italian game stores! Plus, of course, new shops here in the States. For whatever reason, a good deal of these new shops seem to have come from Michigan.

Have you got a favorite local game store? Share it with us and the customers in your area who might not know about it yet. Games are about getting together with other players, after all, so help us get more gamers together in your area. Send us an email to with the name, address, phone number, email address, and website address (however much you can find out) of your favorite store. As you can see from our website, we've got whole states without a representative store. How can that be? (Illinois, I'm looking in your direction.)

Oh, and if you notice some errors or broken links or other gaffs on the Retail Locator page, let me know that, too.

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