Out of Office & Last Minute Updates

John and I will be out of the office starting March 13. We'll be at the GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas next week, and then we'll be on vacation taking a Mediterranean cruise for two weeks after that. We'll be back in the office on March 3rd.

As part of my frenzied last-minute prep, I've put up the following web updates:

Covers are now up for Mystery Cults and The Mysteries Revised for Ars Magica 5th Edition. As always, right click and select "view image in new window" to see a larger version of them.

Making playmats for our booth is just one of the things we do just before GAMA Trade Show. We're happy to make these available to retailers and customers alike on our web site. You can find the new playmats for Let's Kill, Recess, and Seismic available on our Retailer Support Page. Sorry, Grand Tribunal wouldn't physically fit on a 2ft-diameter playmat! ;)

A new product page for The Tempest, an old adventure for Ars Magica, is up. John just made it available again as a PDF download!


  1. The Tempest has a spelling error.

    Mysterious is spelled, "myserious".


  2. I've fixed it in the RPGNow database, but the Atlas page will have to wait until Michelle is back in the office.

    Thanks for the catch!
