Pieces of Eight Arrival

After an extraordinary effort on the part of our minter, we have in our sweaty little hands (literally ... it's 106 degrees today in MN) the collated coin sets for The Maiden's Vengeance. The Cursed Blade sets should be here on Wednesday, they tell us. This means, I'm happy to say, that we will DEFINITELY have advance copies of Pieces of Eight at GenCon. Yay! *happy dance* We'll be bringing less than 300 of each set to sell, though, so be sure to get yours early or you'll have to wait until September for the formal game release!


  1. Nice to know that all of the board games are happily coming and shipping, but ArM non-American fans would also like to get some confirmation that the shipping of the new books is also underway or completed, so we can make informed guessing about when they should show up in stores and online shops. I know you guys are overburdened by preparations for GenCon, but that pipeline sidebar is starting to look somehow obsolete.

  2. We did ship those books to non-US as well as US distributors last week.

  3. Oops ... sorry for the slow sidebar update. I'll try to do that today.

  4. You did let the guys at warehouse23 have some of the new Ars Magica Books, Just they say they haven't got them?

  5. Yes, copies of Mysteries Revised, Infernal, and Seismic are all en route to Warehouse 23.
