New Spanish translations of the rules for Corruption and rules for LM: Sticks and Stones are now available from the Special Ops page thanks to Rodolfo Schmauk. Also, the rules for Grand Tribunal are now available in Italian thanks to Matteo Del Chicca.
Additionally we have a new Pieces of Eight web banner for download. It will soon be appearing on and other online venues.

Download the web banner for your own site!
Finally a Sneak Peak teaser for an Ars Magica product! Sure it's only the Table of Contents and the first paragraph of the Introduction but it's a welcome start - the City & Guild supplement look sintriguing, with many Story ideas.
ReplyDeleteI for one would like to continue to see teasers for all Ars Products.
Keep up the good work Atlas!
Glad you like it. We'll try to do more of this. We have a similar sneak peek lined up for Ancient Magic (which has a rather beefier introduction), which should be appear ing on the site soon.
ReplyDeleteMinor typo in the works cited list: "Thames and Hudson" in the second-to-last entry has a carriage return in its middle.
ReplyDeleteThe TOC has certainly gotten me (even) more enthusiastic about this book!
Christmas present!
ReplyDeleteJust a comment as one of the authors -
ReplyDeleteIn my professiona life I'm al ibrarian, and one of my jobs is to keep my co-workers up to speed on technologies we are considering using professionally. To this end I needed to start a blog.
For 30 days, after C&G is offically out, I will go to some difficulty to research and answer a question per day, posed to me about themes that extend the material in C&G. This isn't an Atlas thing (it's a fan thing, and, for me, a professional development thing.)
If you'd like more information, please see the URL above.