Dungeoneer ETA

We've had several people asking about when the reprint of Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord will be in stock again. It's actually finishing up at the printer right now, but we've had to delay delivery until after Gen Con so that someone will actually be at our warehouse to accept the shipment. Our current ETA is the week of August 17, and it should be in stores within a week or two after that. We hope to have advance copies at Gen Con, though!


  1. Is there an eta on Magi of Hermes?

  2. Magi of Hermes is at press. We do expect it sometime in September, but at this point we don't have anything more specific.

  3. I'm happy to report we SOLD OUT of our advanced copies of Deungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord at GenCon!


  4. I'm really hoping for a combo Haunted Woods of Malthorin + Den of the Wererats. Is anything like that in the works yet? I recall asking at the table at Origins, and the answer was "eventually" at that time.

  5. Thank you thank you thank you. I just recently got into this game and there is next to nothing available in stores around here. They all say out of stock and unavailable to order.

  6. We haven't yet scheduled the Haunted Woods of Malthorin & Den of the Wererats reprints, though we expect to at some point. With the new reprint of Tomb of the Lich Lord arriving imminently, those should be the only two that are still temporarily out of stock ... the other six games in the series should be available for purchase or special order at your friendly local game store. If you have trouble finding them, try http://warehouse23.com

  7. We're just about to tip head-first into September, so any news on Magi of Hermes? The last update on this was a few weeks ago so I thought I'd ask.

    You know, my Birthday is early October so I'm hoping to get a copy by then...

  8. Magi of Hermes arrived in the warehouse today. We'll begin shipping next week -- we weren't quite ready for it, with a number of other things going on, so I have to give distributors time to put their orders together.

  9. Thanks John. I've posted this over in the forum too.

  10. Any further news on the status of Tomb of the Lich Lord? Not that I'm impatient or anything. But I'm still not seeing it available at any online or local retailers.
