Grand Tribunal UK Aftermath

Grand Tribunal is the Ars Magica convention held in the US and UK each year. This year's UK organizer Chris Jensen Romer sent us his write-up on the Cheltenham convention. Highlights were the Ars Magica freeform game (photo below), and the 1173 Battle of Fornham played with Ars Magica group combat rules, for which he's done a separate write-up. Congrats, CJ, on running such a successful convention again this year!


  1. That sounds like an absolute blast! The Ars Magica freeform game and the 1173 Battle of Fornham with group combat rules must have been epic. Chris Jensen Romer deserves a big round of applause for organizing such a successful convention. FM WhatsApp APKDid you have a favorite moment or game from the event?

  2. Wow, sounds like Grand Tribunal UK was a blast! Thanks for sharing the highlights from Chris Jensen Romer's write-up. That Ars Magica freeform game sounds like it was a ton of fun – there's something special about diving into immersive storytelling with fellow enthusiasts.

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    And playing out the 1173 Battle of Fornham with Ars Magica group combat rules? Now that's taking historical reenactment to a whole new level! Kudos to CJ for pulling off another successful convention and for putting so much effort into making it an unforgettable experience for everyone involved. Here's to many more magical gatherings in the future!

  3. It's fantastic to hear about the success of the Grand Tribunal UK convention, especially with highlights like the Ars Magica freeform game and the immersive recreation of the Battle of Fornham using Ars Magica group combat rules. Kudos to Chris Jensen Romer for organizing such a memorable event once again! These gatherings play a vital role in fostering community spirit and deepening the appreciation for the Ars Magica universe. Looking forward to more exciting conventions in the future!

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