Feng Shui: Golden Comeback Update!

Many of you took part in the Feng Shui playtest some months ago, submitting your excellent feedback so that the stalwart Robin D. Laws could begin the work of revising the game for its new edition. I am pleased to say that Robin is well underway, and expects to hand in the manuscript some time in the near future. In addition, Hal "Atomic Overmind" Mangold is working hard at early graphic design elements & gearing up for the new edition as our art director!

Before we begin a new round of playtests, we felt it might be a good idea to let you into a secret: you can get a glimpse of the new edition simply by following Robin on Twitter, by searching for the hashtag #fengshui2, or tuning in to Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff, a podcast where Robin and his partner-in-crime Kenneth Hite cover a lot of topics germane to the Secret War.

Stay alert, keep your butterfly knives handy, and watch... this... space!


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