Feng Shui 2 Kickstarter is Live!

As you’ve probably heard by now, Feng Shui, the classic game of Hong Kong-inspired cinematic action, is back in all its explodey, chi-blasting glory!

Robin D. Laws has refurbished this 90’s classic RPG of martial arts mayhem and cinematic guns-blazing action with a fresh bag of ammo for a new roleplaying generation! Feng Shui 2 is Kickstarting right now, and Atlas Games wants your help to make it as awesome as possible.

The Kickstarter page can be found HERE, with preview graphics, details on backer levels and rewards … and if you back the project at $10 or above, you get immediate access to the current draft of the rules! 

Keep up with all the Atlas Games social media feeds between now and October 17th, 2014 for details on the campaign’s progress as we make Feng Shui 2 explode! 

1 comment:

  1. Im Eager to see the new edition!!

