Gloom Tomb from Broken Token Now Available!

In the 19th century, glass-lid coffins weree en vogue for celebrities and people of status. It was the obvious solution to the problem of mourners illicitly making off with little souvenirs of the deceased – bits of cloth or hair – as they lay in state.

The folks at Broken Token, purveyors of fine game storage devices of all kinds, felt that Gloom deserved the celebrity treatment, and we agreed. To wit, they’ve created the Gloom Tomb. The Gloom Tomb is a finely crafted wooden sarcophagus and features Broken Token’s first ever see-through acrylic lid. The Gloom logo is engraved on every face, a suitable memento mori for your favorite game of unhappy people, and there’s ample room for every Gloom card published to date, with plots reserved for future expansions.

They say that out of sight is out of mind. With the Gloom Tomb, that’s no longer a problem. Now you can proudly display your Gloom collection between games and remember all the bad times you had together. It’s the perfect postmortem to any Gloom aficionado’s collection.



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